Learn »Indianmeal Moth
Indianmeal Moth
(Family: Plodia interpunctella)
The Indianmeal Moth (Plodia interpunctella) is a small moth with reddish-brown coloring on the ends of the wings. Although the adult moth is the more visible, the small larvae, or caterpillars, are the damaging stage. The caterpillars are a solid flesh tone without any patterning. The caterpillars will live in and eat stored products, such as dog food, almonds, oatmeal, dried fruit, and spices. Infested foods are covered in silk and fecal pellets produced by the caterpillars. When the caterpillars have grown large enough, they wander away from the food source and spin their cocoons in dry, sheltered areas to undergo metamorphosis.
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About Stored Product Pests
Stored food pests feed on dried goods and food items, like bird seed, dried beans, dog food, pancake mix, cereal, rice, and chocolate.These pests can be a year-round nuisance because they live and breed within food in our temperature-controlled houses.Most of them generate enough water to survive simply by digesting food, so they can prosper in food that is almost devoid of moisture.