Learn »Ground beetles

Ground beetles

(Family: family Carabidae)

Ground beetles (family Carabidae) also known as Hard Shell Bugs or Tiger Beetles, are a group of largely predatory beetles. These beetles, unlike Asian Lady Beetles, have three distinct segments; the head, thorax, and abdomen. Although the beetles from this large and diverse family can come in many colors, the beetles seen in the South are typically dark brown or metallic black in color, with grooves running down their elytra, or wing covers. In many species, these covers are fused, meaning the beetles are unable to fly. These beetles typically have long legs for chasing and catching prey.

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Ground beetles

About Beetles

Although most beetles don’t bite or carry disease, they can still be a nuisance when they get into stored food.A few species even attack wood inside the home.It’s easy to mistake some beetles for cockroaches, but your Cook’s professional knows the difference.